+Yochai Gal has done it again! Wrote a new minimald6 game called „Generations“. What’s it about? „You are on a generation ship, travelling through space toward a planet that will […]

+Sébastien d’Abrigeon (Bonpork) wrote a fast game minimald6 adaption of Cthulhu, aptly named „Fast Cthulhu“ ? Please note that this game is written in French. An English translation is in […]

+Marcus Burggraf surprised us all and presented his post-apocalyptic take on minimald6 called „Furious Roads“ (it’s a beta version). GUYS! This is CRAZY! ? It’s the 14th game for minimald6, […]

+Yochai Gal is the next in the row of authors writing minimald6 games. „Environmental Wonks: The RPG“ is the name of the game, and it’s not supposed to be taken […]

Thorsten Panknin ist ein Guter ? Mit ihm habe ich schon ein paar Mal in Sachen Rollenspiel zusammengearbeitet, und es hat jedesmal Spaß gemacht. Thorsten hat sich von meinem minimald6-System […]

+Ray Otus was at it again and wrote Flash Fantasy, a minimald6 OSR hack. Can you imagine? I sure can because Ray is awesome! Download the game here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36bjlvlotgjnwcy/flashfantasy.pdf Advertisements

+Klaus Westerhoff made one of my secret wishes come true. He has translated the beautiful, beautiful Earthdawn setting into minimald6. Yes! To download Wardens of Barsaive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dkdPrvJ3UWZi45WYbflNQ82MkSMXbyTd/view

The awesome +Ray Otus just published Spacetrucker, an rpg about truckers, Kung Fu, Funk music — and all of that in space! Grab it here: http://www.rayotus.com/jsg/pnp-spacetrucker-pm.pdf Advertisements