I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #152, including every tabletop rpg project started between 09/27 and 10/11. Back after two weeks with no less than a total of 91 projects, of which 18 are ttrpgs. If you like to get directly to the meat of the collection, just skip my rather long preamble. […]

Es gibt eine frische Crowdfunding Kurzübersicht #152 (Zeitraum: 27.09 bis 11.10). Nach 2 Wochen, ist die Kurzübersicht mit 91 Projekten, mit 18 RPGs zurück. Wer direkt zum Kern kommen mag, kann einfach am Vorwort vorbei scrollen. Bei Acheron handelt es sich um ein Rollenspiel im Grimpunk Genre. Das bedeutet man bekommt vom Setting her alternative […]

I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #151, including every tabletop rpg project started between 09/20 and 09/27. The collection is back to its normal, weekly release and thus offers a short, yet mostly very delightful, list of projects. Enjoy! :) I will start with the Good Strong Hands RPG, which offers a dark […]