Für einen Preis, den man selbst bestimmen kann, erscheinen mit Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of MYST and Beyond und Sails Full of Stars • A World of Adventure for Fate Core neue Spielwelten für Fate Core.

Unwritten ist das offizielle Rollenspiel zum Myst Universum.
Dazu heißt es:

From caverns miles beneath the New Mexico desert, the D’ni ruled an empire that lasted ten millennia. They wrote Linking Books that allowed them to span universes, ignoring the primitive humans that infested the surface. But the glory of D’ni was brought low mere centuries ago, and their Ages were left empty and abandoned… until now.

Called to the desert, we have found our way down to D’ni. Its secrets are in our hands, and its future is ours to determine. The next chapter of D’ni is Unwritten.

In 1994 Cyan introduced us to the surreal worlds of MYST™ and the D’ni. Now you can make your own journeys of exploration and adventure through the Ages.

Discovery Focused Mechanics
Play in Modern or Historical D’ni
Unlimited Possible Environments

Mit Sails Full of Stars • A World of Adventure for Fate Core kommt ein Setting für Fate Core daher in dem man Händler, Freibeuter, Piraten, Angehörige der Raummarine und andere Leute spielt, die Abenteuer zwischen den Kolonien, den Planeten des Sonnensystems suchen:

In the year 1850, three empires struggle for control of the solar system: the Ottomans, whose vast Earthly empire may soon become obsolete; the Chinese, who pioneered the construction of rheoships; and the French, the new masters of alchemy. Wherever patrols are weak, pirates menace the shipping lanes. Sailors whisper rumors of dragons swimming through the black void. Fools and madmen push the boundaries of alchemy, heedless of the consequences.

Track down pirates, brave the stars, and mount shipboard battles in this Fate World of Adventure by Don Bisdorf.

Sails Full of Stars requires Fate Core to play. This 50-page supplement contains:

Descriptions of planets and spaceports to help populate a short game or a full campaign
New alchemical rules and stunts
System ideas for spaceships and space travel
Crew and rheoship combat systems
A short introductory adventure—Secrets of the Red Planet

Venture into the depths of space, where adventure and glory await!

The Fate Adventures & Worlds line provides compact, rich, affordable, gorgeous settings with a ready-to-go adventure for GMs in a pinch. Buy one this afternoon, be ready to run this evening.

Der Beitrag Unwritten: Adventures in the Ages of MYST and Beyond & Sails Full of Stars • A World of Adventure for Fate Core erschien zuerst auf FateRpg.de.

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