This week was rather slow, as neither I nor the players had a clear goal established and rather spontaneous ideas dragged the game along. Nonetheless, the whole group made it to second level! It was the same players as last week: La Fleur (lvl 2), human wizard, 349 XP Roderick Clearwater (lvl 2), human rogue, 369 XP Tapio of Gareth, human fighter (lvl 2), 349 XP Dargoth the Daring, human fighter ...

The same crew as last week continued their search for addictive honey. This time, having finally found a likely source for the honey, they became more daring and attacked recklessly. With luck on their side, they prevailed and started their journey home ladden with honey. The following characters risked life and limb for honey: La Fleur (lvl 1), human wizard, 272 XP Roderick Clearwater (lvl 1), h...

This week, we had four player who sent their characters to search for honey in the ruins of Ansvell. Despite facing several horrible creatures and even several fights, everyone survived! This week, the following characters took part: La Fleur, human wizard, 75 XP Roderick Clearwater, human rogue, 95 XP Tapio of Gareth, human fighter, 75 XP Dargoth the Daring, human fighter, 138 XP Last week, we ...

This week, there were only two players due to Good Friday, but I ran the game anyway since I had already cancelled the week before. Again, the group was extremely cautious. Again, everyone survived, and furthermore they even found their first treasure! Our roster consisted of: La Fleur, human wizard, 20 XP Roderick Clearwater, human rogue, 40 XP The game started in Ansvell, where our adventurers...

Du hast auf Youtube ein Rollenspiel-Video gesehen oder ein Rollenspiel-Regelwerk wie Das Schwarze Auge oder Dungeons & Dragons geschenkt bekommen und möchtest nun deine ersten Gehversuche als Spielleiter unternehmen? Dann möchte ich versuchen, dir ein paar Tipps zu geben, damit der Anfang nicht ganz so schwer wird. Ruhe bewahren Zunächst einmal gilt: Ruhe bewahren. Spielleiten muss man lern...

During the second session of my Open Table Chat Game, the group was much more cautious and avoided all fights. Instead, they gathered information, socialised and looked for ways to increase their reputation. Accordingly, all of them survived! There were three player characters: Mallon Everis, Wood Elf Cleric (Tempest) of Firun, 20 XP Tapio of Gareth, Human Fighter, 20 XP Roderick Clearwater, Hu...

The first session of my Open Table Chat Game ran quite well, except that it almost ended in a Total Party Kill. What happened? We had three player characters: Kylian, the Ice Elf ranger. Lockless, the Human bard. Dargoth, the Human fighter. Game started with the player characters joining a lonely teamster called Torik on his way to Lowangen, who gave them some background knowledge about the area...

After some planning and re-reading the adventures on my hard drive, I decided to attempt a new text-based online gaming group. I will try to establish a weekly Open Chat Table, meaning I will run an adventure every Friday, 18 to 22 Central European Time, and whoever is online, has a character ready and was not banned may participate. Adventuria Open Table Game Background Backdrop will be the Adven...

Vielleicht erinnern sich noch einige an die Vorurteile gegenüber DSA4: Ein extrem kleinteiliges System, bei dem nichts existierte, was nicht auf dem Heldenbrief stand. Mir und einigen anderen im IRC-Kanal #tanelorn fiel gerade auf, dass dies bedeutet, dass Aventurien leider nur Einheitsschuhe kennt, weil das Regelwerk ja keine linken und rechten Schuhe getrennt definiert. Glücklicherweise haben ...

Wer nach dem Ende meiner Monsterhandbuch-Serie unter akutem Monsterentzug leidet, den möchte ich Dnalors Troll-Blog empfehlen. Er hat dort ebenfalls eine Serie zu neu interpretierten Monstern begonnen, wo er bisher Ziegenmenschen, Sneeuwpuppen, den Schalk im Nacken, fliegenden hölzerne Pferde und Bronzebullen vorgestellt hat. Allesamt sehr lesenswert, wie ich finde, von daher unbedingt einen Besuch wert!