Tales from the Loop – Roleplaying in the ’80s That Never Was (Image: Simon Stålenhag – Fria Ligan / Free League Publishing) I grew up in the 80s. I loved movies like Stand by me, E. T.  and Goonies. Earlier this year, Netflix released Stranger Things, a fantastic TV show and homage to this era. All these coming-of-age stories share similar tropes. A bunch of teenage kids are ge...

Wandering Heroes of Ogre Gate RPG (Image: Bedrock Games) I’m a fan of wuxia movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (German Title: Tiger & Dragon, Ang Lee, 2000). I grew up with The Water Margin (Die Rebellen vom Liang Shan-Po, Nippon TV, 1973-1974, Buchvorlage: Die Räuber vom Liang-Schan-Moor). In the early 80s, my parents allowed me to watch this Japanese TV show about a Chinese...

Welcome to the City of Mist! Heading to the point without further preface – Amit Moshe, creator of the intriguing City of Mist roleplaying game by the Son of Oak Game Studio, answered some questions about his project and his Kickstarter crowdfunding. In your opinion, what are the major aspects of the City of Mist RPG? Please give us an elevator pitch of the system and the setting. City of M...

Trudvang Chronicles RPG: Game Master Guide (Image: Riotminds) Finally, the printed Trudvang Chronicles RPG is coming in English! About one year ago, I backed on Kickstarter The Fabulous Art of Trudvang – a gorgeous and inspiring fantasy artbook with images by Paul Bonner, Alvaro Tapia, Justin Sweet, Jonas Vallentin and Niklas Brandt (among others). I contacted Riotminds, the project creato...

ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG (Image: Grim & Perilous Studios) Daniel Fox, author of the ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG, was so kind to answer some questions about his interpretation of dark fantasy roleplaying and his current Kickstarter. Back in the days we were young and we did’nt like the ‚counter intuitive‘ rules of (A)D&D. So we started roleplaying with ...

A new month, a new week, Gen Con is around the corner. Just like in recent years it’s also #RPGaDay / #RPGaDay2016. Dave Chapman (aka autocratik), the originator, is taking a break. Anthony Boyd and the RPGBrigade stepped in to host #RPGaDAY this year. Enjoy! #RPGaDay / #RPGaDay2016 (Image: RPGBrigade / Autocratik) I think I’ll also taking a break. After finishing all questions of last...

Kosta Kostulas, project manager of the original Swedish edition of Coriolis – The Third Horizon, took the time to answer some questions about Free League Publishing’s new science fiction roleplaying game and their current Kickstarter. I hope you enjoy the following journey to the Third Horizon  and the fairy tales of 1001 nights as much as I do. Bon voyage! Coriolis: The Third Horizon (I...

Cultos Innombrables / Unausprechliche Kulte: Beispielseite (Image: Nosolorol Ediciones) Gestern kam die offizielle deutsche Ankündigung für Cultos Innombrables bzw. Unaussprechliche Kulte. Im vergangenen März hatte ich ein Gesuch für Spanischübersetzer veröffentlicht. Heute geht es um Englischübersetzer/-innen. Der oder die Übersetzer/-in sollte über entsprechende Erfahrungen im Bereich ...

Random NPC generation with occupation and a keyword for portrayal, written for the 200 Word RPG Supplement Challenge 2016. Tailored for shady space stations. Start with the first table. Roll one die. On a 5, move one column to the left. On a 6 move right. Never change direction or leave the table: Use row 5/6 instead. Else select the row for the number you rolled. Go to the next table. Start wit...

Random NPC generation with occupation and a keyword for portrayal, written for the 200 Word RPG Supplement Challenge 2016. Tailored for shady space stations. Start with the first table. Roll one die. On a 5, move one column to the left. On a 6 move right. Never change direction or leave the table: Use row 5/6 instead. Else select the row for the number you rolled. Go to the next table. Start wit...