Jetzt geht es los! Das Cyberpunk 2020 Regelwerk kann jetzt gewonnen werden. Es gehört zur Neuauflage, die am 16.6. erscheint. Es ist auf deutsch ein Hardcover vollständig in Farbe gedruckt enthält alle Änderungen und Errata Morgan Blackhand’s Street Weapon Guide ist auch schon mit drin 424 Seiten Wert: 48,00 Euro Und hier bei mir kannst du auch gleich einen der Lösungsbuchstaben für ...

Sorry guys, if you don’t speak German, you won’t be able to participate in the give-away of the new German Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook. If you DO speak German, come over again Monday at 8:00 (am, Central European Time) to check out the questions…

Sorry guys, if you don’t speak German, you won’t be able to participate in the give-away of the new German Cyberpunk 2020 Rulebook. If you DO speak German, come over again Monday at 8:00 (am, Central European Time) to check out the questions…

The closed circuit camera in the top right corner is part of an online demostration against german laws which focus on digitally spying on its citizens – i.e. forcing the providers to hoard data like where your mobile phone logged in, what sites you surfed to, when you phoned, who you phoned, how long you phoned. It adresses my fellow Germans to protest against this spying.

The closed circuit camera in the top right corner is part of an online demostration against german laws which focus on digitally spying on its citizens – i.e. forcing the providers to hoard data like where your mobile phone logged in, what sites you surfed to, when you phoned, who you phoned, how long you phoned. It adresses my fellow Germans to protest against this spying.